lundi 23 novembre 2009

Une bonne sainte-Clementine

Quelle bonne fete!
Aujourd'hui pour ma fete (faut-il trouver un pretexte?), on est alle faire un tour en bateau atour de l'ile. On a fait se la plongee avec les masques et tubas. Les fonds marins sont superbes et pas besoin d'aller loin ou profond pour voir de magnifques poissons multicolores. Ensuite on est alle a Maya Bay, une tres belle baie de bleue turquoise entouree de roches. Apres ca, oblige, on s'est arrete a "The beach", bah oui... et on a fini par la plage des singes ou on s'est presque fait attaque, certains carrement, pour les bouteilles de coca. Qui aurait pense que les singes raffolent du coca et des gateaux apero?....

Today for my Name's day (yes we celebrate Name's day in France and FYI mine is on 23 Nov. Any excuse is good for a celebration isn't it?!), we went on a boat tour round the island. We did some amazing snorkelling. The fish are so colourful, it's really amazing. We then went to Maya Bay, a beautiful turquoise bay surounded by massive rocks. The feeling was quite special. After this, we obviously had to stop on "The beach"! We finished the day on Monkey beach where we were greeted by crazy monkeys who jumped on the bus and attacked everything around the bottles of coke to drink it themselves! Who would have known that monkeys were so fond of cok and springles?...

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